Search Results
Christopher Johnson: Warburg's ‘Zwischenraum’: Between Hieroglyph and Diagram
Martin Warnke: The Long Road of Warburg’s 'Snail'
Origin vs Genesis Warburg and Benjamin in the Footsteps of Goethe's Morphology
Claudia Wedepohl: Genesis without End: Warburg’s ‘großes Buch’
Ulrich Raulff: ‘Nachleben’. A Warburgian Concept and its Origins
Andrea Pinotti - Variations without Theme: Warburg and the Morphology of the Neutral
Peter Miller: 'Kulturwissenschaft' before Warburg
Aby Warburg and the Spirit of Capitalism
Uwe Fleckner: Aby Warburg’s ‘Manet and Italian Antiquity’ as Psycho-Intellectual Self-Portrait
Andrea Pinotti: Variations without Theme: Warburg and the Morphology of the Neutral
Martin Treml: Warburg´s ‘Bilderatlas’: A Tool for the Study of the History of Religion
Sigrid Weigel: Warburg’s Reading of Darwin